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Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli

Ten-colours Speedmaster SM 102

The increasing productivity and flexibility are the most important elements of the future concept of Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 102 front/back printing press.
Equipped with « Plus » options, la Speedmaster SM 102 enables us to work with high technology : makeready and performance times are minimised.

Customer-oriented solutions and its proven sheet-reversing technology make Speedmaster SM 102 an ideal printing press.

Trulli is the first French company and sixth in the world which purchased Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 102 machine in 1999.

Imprimerie Trulli

Setting up area of press service