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of the President-Founder

Writing your most beautiful pages with marine blue ink, binding your ideas by using our finest colours, making parchment finish all creation aspects, printing them in front and back, flipping through the pages and saddling them one by one… Your emotions will appear in matching tones in aplat nuances and all details in Pantone. Our most beautiful letters are not these of nobility, they are lower-case and upper-case letters and that belong the printing universe. Our profession is that we are proud to belong.


Michel Trulli

of the President and the Managing Director

The evolution of printing techniques has undergone huge changes since the fifteenth century. Tasks automation and execution speed were the innovation engines in this trade. Nowadays, new technologies allow to come up to client expectations in minimal time and with maximum quality

Graphic arts trades have equipped themselves with powerful equipment that allows them to reach perfection. However, in continuous renewal, the man remains the landmark of this organization which has its effect only if it is used by a formed and organized team that consider the quality as a priority. For this reason Trulli printing company has a complete graphic chain from the pre-press to the finishing that permits it to realize all the works from simple text entry to final delivery.

The whole graphic chain is followed by highly qualified personnel. Thus the production process is carried out until the final phase by a team which follows the only one goal: “Customer Satisfaction”.

Sylvain Trulli


Julien Trulli
Managing Director


Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli
Imprimerie Trulli