Imprim’Vert standard of Trulli printing company
Imprim'Vert brand :
An environmental management system.
Imprim’Vert certification is realized around three themes : the good waste and dangerous products management (rubbish sorting, putting in a safe place and storage), the exclusion of toxic products and the recycling of rejects.
In France, Imprim’Vert brand was created in 1998. It allows to set up the environmental specifications for printers in order to limit their environmental impact. Every graphic company has recognized this brand.
The Imprim’Vert brand was realized following the will to take a stand for environment. In order to get this status, printing company has to contact an Imprim’Vert referent who will create a dossier and, once authenticated, the specifications that have to be respected by the printing company. In particular it will have to :
Remove all environmental hazardous waste ;
Do not use toxic products ;
Secure harmful liquids stored by the printing company ;
Communicate about good environmental practices ;
Comply with its energy consuption ;
The Imprim’Vert certificaton is obtained since the specifications respect is verified by an environment representative, subsidized by P2i (brand manager), and the dossier is presented during an awarding committee, composed by recognized organizations. Renewals are done annually through the brand website (www.imprimvert.fr) and the renewal visit is realized every 3 years.
''Trulli printing company is Imprim'Vert certified since 2008''