Trulli printing company is ISO 14001 certified
The leader of «Green and Responsible» printing
1 / Sorting and recycling of ink and solvents
2 / Air recycling : first installation in France
3 / Central «trim» suction system
4 / Press without Isopropyl alcohol with the modification of our printing presses
5 / Waste separation of plastic and cardboard with baling presses
6 / Stainless powders recycling «saturated air»
7 / Palletiser of paper : cardboard packaging abolition
Environmental Management System (EMS) implementation allows companies to minimize their activities impact on environment, prevent accidents and set an action plan in order to improve their environmental performances.
ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that outlines how to put an effective environmental management system in place.
Based on continuous improvement principle (or Deming cycle), it aims at indentifying, verifying and checking the environmental aspects of the company, indicating how to manage the whole system.
The certification allows management to check that the applicable regulation is controlled, anticipate its constraints, meet increasingly high customer expectations of corporate responsibility as well as legal or regulatory requirements.
"Trulli is the first offset printing company of Maritime Alps
to be ISO 14001 certified, since 2012."